Brotherhood of the Underworld

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Welcome to the Nintendo Villains Directory. Nintendo may be more famously known for its heroes, such as the infernal Mario, or the ever present Link - but for every hero, there must be a villain. After all, without the villain, there would be no need for heroics now, would there?

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Image Loading... Andross
Appearances: Star Wing, Lylat Wars, Star Fox Assault
Occupation: Emperor of Venom
Henchmen: Star Wolf, various fighter drones
Style:Megolomaniac Ape
Special abilities: Telekinisis
Finest hour: Destroying the original Star Fox
Darkest Deed: Enslaving the entire population of Venom
Quote:“You will die, just like your Father.”

Once a brilliant scientist, Andross tested his weapons in the heart of one of Corneria’s biggest cities. After many warnings from Corneria’s ruling council, he persisted and was eventually captured and exiled by General Pepper. Of course, this was by no means the end of Andross, who set up shop on Venom. Being the enterprising ape that he is, he somehow managed to enslave the population of Venom and pollute the planet and just do lots of generally wicked things. That done, he went on to destroy the original Star Fox team by killing its leader, James McCloud and then launched various assaults on his own home planet of Corneria. He also appears to have aspirations of controlling the whole galaxy of Lylat, and is just generally a bit of a megolomaniac. What's not to love?!
Image Loading... Bowser Koopa
Appearances: Nigh on every Mario game?
Occupation: King of the Koopa Klan.
Henchmen: His own seven koopa kids and a whole army of bizarre underlings.
Style: Brash and big.
Special abilities: Can breath fire.
Finest hour: Kidnapping Mario in Mario is missing (unfortunately foiled by Luigi).
Darkest Deed: Kidnapping all the Dinos from Dino Islands.
Quote:"One of the nice things about being evil is you get lie a lot."

Of all the villains to make an appearance on this list, Bowser, of Super Mario Bros fame, has got to be the most interesting. The origins of the King of the Koopas are somewhat shady, but we do know that he gestated in a giant magical egg for several thousands of years. Once the egg hatched, an evil Koopa Priest by the name of Kamek assumed the role of nurturing Bowser into the sassy, evil, and well-dressed villain he is today.

At some point during Bowser's youth, Kamek envisioned two plumbers destroying him and his prince, Bowser. So Kamek took a small break from the villain-raising business and set out, Terminator style, to kill the plumbers before they were old enough to defend themselves. But Yoshi intervened, and needless to say, Mario and Luigi both survived Kamek's numerous attempts to slaughter them, and Kamek was eventually banished from the Mushroom Kingdom.

Once Bowser was old enough, he started making his moves toward his eventual goal - the enslavement of the Mushroom Kingdom with him as the ruler. The most important of these moves was kidnapping Princess Toadstool herself and forcing both Mario and Luigi to come rescue her. Of course, the plumbers faced ridiculous odds, as Bowser not only had eight different castles with eight different Princess Toadstool clones in them, but he also had a whole legion of Koopas to defend him. In fact, the only reason Mario and his brother were able to bust the Princess out and sink Bowser into a pit of fire was that they cheated on the last steps of world 3-1 and got so many extra lives that their life count said they had a blue square plus a triangle worth of lives left. Now if Bowser had been privy to this technique you can bet he would have stuck it to the Super Mario Bros real proper and had his own way with Daisy.

You'd think that taking a swim in molten lava would put a damper on a villain's plans to rule the world, but not Bowser! He took a little time for some R&R and had his underling, Wort, try to do away with the plumbing brothers in their sleep from his evil sub-underworld, Sub Con.

Unfortunately, Mario got by with a little help from his friends, and Wort was out of a job. Bowser took a little time to regroup and rethink his global strategy. That's when the other seven magical eggs, which were chilling in the same spot Bowser's magical egg was, hatched. Out popped seven funky Koopalings - Lemmy, Iggy, Roy, Morton, Larry, Ludwing, and Wendy O were now part of Bowser's posse. Snapping back faster than a rubber band, Bowser hooked the Koopalings up with some fat rides, namely Bowser's custom-made Doom Ships, and sent each one of them to the seven lands of the Mushroom Kingdom. Their goal was to kidnap Princess Toadstool so that she and the big man himself could get hitched and he'd be able to rub it in the noses of Mario and Luigi for all eternity. But the Koopalings weren't as strong as Bowser thought, and Mario once again ruined his plans.

Needless to say, this cycle has repeated itself several times. First Bowser kidnaps Princess Toadstool. Then he says something witty like, "Ha Ha Ha." Then Mario and Luigi somehow survive all the traps Bowser carefully lays out for them, mostly because Bowser's underling Koopas are so incompetent. Eventually Mario springs the Princess and does away with Bowser himself. But Mario is never able to actually kill Bowser. That's because although Bowser's plans may not be rock solid, Mario still can't fade the man. Just like you can't fade him now.

Bowser did take a brief hiatus from his busy schedule of kidnapping the Princess and putting plans in action to do a little go-kart racing in both Super Mario Kart and Super Mario Kart 64. But while everyone thought he was just happy-go-lucky racing, he was actually secretly plotting to kidnap Princess Toadstool once again.

While some people say Bowser's life may have gotten into a rut, the man has simply refined his game down to an everyday thing. He's focused, he's dedicated, and worst of all, he's patient. - Text taken from Gamespot.

Associated Media:
Bowser sound clip: WAV (602 kb)
See the uper Mario Bros Show online!
Image Loading... Ganon/dorf Dragmire
Appearances: Numerous Zelda Titles, SSBM
Occupation: King of the Gerudo/Underworld
Henchmen: Gerudo, moblins, Aganhim. Many other monsters.
Style: Prince of Darkness.
Special abilities: Magic. Triforce of Power.
Finest hour: Ruling over Hyrule for 7 glorious years.
Darkest Deed: He caused the imprisoning war.
Quote: Pathetic little fool! Do you realize who you are dealing with?! I am Ganondorf! And soon, I will rule the world!

Ganondorf Dragmire, or Ganon, as he is later known, is the archetypal villain of the Zelda series. There have been others of course, the Nightmares, Vaati, Majora...but none of them have ever come close to touching Ganondorf in terms of wickedness, longetivity or interest.

Gamespot writes that he is 'Practically the Darth Vader of video games, Ganon is able to fly, throw big mean balls of energy, cast menacing looks, command vast legions of servile minions, and return time after time, even after defeat. If nothing else, he's a tenacious bastard, and Nintendo seems to think that gamers must love shutting him down again and again because he's been around to torment Link and Zelda for quite some time.'

True indeed. Ganon has plagued Hyrule for literally hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In OoT, he ruled Hyrule for 7 dark years, turning Hyrule from a thriving world into a place of death and decay. In Windwaker, it seems apparent that his actions caused the Goddesses to destroy Hyrule as we knew it, and turn it into a vast watery domain.

His defeat in OoT lead to his imprisonment in the Golden Realm, a prison he would break free of centuries later, in Zelda 3: A Link to the Past. Again and again he has faced Link, again and again he has suffered defeat. However, there appears to be no final way to defeat him...did he truly face death in WW, or is there a way for him to come back? Who can say? A closing comment, written by Zombiekilla2002 seems at these stage apt...

You gotta be pretty fucking evil when one of your driving desires is to brutally murder two kids.

Image Loading... Gruntilda
Appearances: Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Grunty's Revenge.
Occupation: Wicked Witch
Henchmen: Various crones plus an Igor type assistant called Klungo.
Style: Crude, rude and wicked.
Special abilities: Various magical powers, immense talent for rhymes.
Finest hour: Escaping her subterranean prison of two years and still being alive.
Darkest Deed: Killing Bottles the mole.
Quote:" Tooty's fate is looking grim, it's because her brother's mighty dim!"

Gruntilda the witch is selfish, ugly and has habits that would make most decent people vomit and blush. However, perhaps to her credit, she has made attempts to better least in the looks department. Kidnapping Tooty, the apparently attractive sister of Banjo the bear, she attempted to use some kind of wicked machine to transfer Tooty's beauty to herself, but was unfortunately foiled and defeated.

Two months after her defeat, Gruntilda came up with the wiley scheme to transfer her spirit into a robotic time travel machine that would allow her to travel through the vast expanses of time and create all sorts of havoc. First, she kidnapped Kazooie, and went back in time to attempt to erase the troublesome heroes from existence along with her previous defeat.

Her time travel plan was foiled however, and Gruntilda was forced to spend two more years stuck in a subterranean prison before she finally managed to break free. Of course, two years trapped under a rock would kill most people, but not Gruntilda. Sustained only by the thought of destroying Banjo and Kazooie, she managed to survive. Thanks to her vile sisters who obtained a machine to get her a body, Grunty sucked the life out of others and prepared to be restored to her former glory. Revenge was looking good as she laid waste to Banjo's house, killed off Bottles the mole, and zombified King Jingaling. But it can never end happily ever after, even for a resourceful villain like Grunty, can it? Defeated once more, she's down but not out, even as her dismembered head is kicked about by the heroes of the piece she claims "Just you wait until Banjo-Threeie..." -some text provided by Jinjomatrix (see below)

Jinjo Matrix
Image Loading... Mother Brain
Appearances: Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission
Occupation: Leader of the Space Pirates
Henchmen: Ridley, Kraid.
Style: All-commanding brain/monster-thing (Brain in a jar).
Special abilities: Powering gun turrets, lasers.
Finest hour: Having an army of Metroids at her command.
Darkest Deed: Almost killing Samus Aran.
Quote:"Few adventurers have ever seen the Mother Brain, let alone live to tell the tale." (From the Super Metroid Player’s Guide)

Sitting in her giant glass jar on Planet Zebes, Mother Brain commanded the Space Pirates with the help of the dragon-like Ridley. When a mysterious, parasitic life form named the ‘Metroid’ was discovered by the Galactic Federation, Mother Brain immediately began plans to create a whole army of the creatures. Fearing the worst, the Federation sent Samus Aran, a bounty hunter, to Zebes in order to stop the evil brain’s plans. Unfortunately for Mother Brain, neither Kraid nor Ridley could stop Samus from entering her lair, and had to resort to using her weapon systems to protect herself. Samus eventually succeeded in defeating the brain, but the war was not over yet…

Some time after her first encounter with Samus, Mother Brain heard news that the Metroid population had been wiped out, except for one hatchling that Samus had given the Space Science Academy for research purposes. Wanting to recreate her Metroid army, she sent Ridley to steal the hatchling from the lab where it was being kept. However, Samus, unable to stop the Space Pirate commander, followed him back to Zebes and once again made her way through the traps and monsters to Mother Brain’s lair. This time though, Mother Brain had a new trick up her sleeve. Once her jar was destroyed, she transformed into a giant, one-eyed monster, with her characteristic brain sticking out of the head. Samus tried her best to tackle the beast, but Mother Brain was able to use a powerful laser on the bounty hunter, that brought her to near death. It seemed as though the brain was going to win this time.

Before Mother Brain could finish off her opponent however, the hatchling that Samus had rescued and given to the Academy - which was now a full-grown Metroid - swooped in, attached itself to Mother Brain’s head, and sucked away at her energy. While the brain-monster fell to the ground, the Metroid then attached itself to Samus and restored her energy and gave her a new Hyper Beam weapon. Sadly, Mother Brain was quick to recover and killed Samus’ parasitic saviour as fast as she could. She then found out that she was no match for Samus’ new ability, and was once again defeated by the heroic bounty hunter. ~ Firehawk

Image Loading... WaLuigi
Appearances: Mario Tennis/Golf
Occupation: Luigi's Evil Alter Ego
Henchmen: None.
Style: Crazy and Deranged.
Special abilities: Unknown.
Finest hour: Finally appearing in a game, several years after his brother, Wario.
Darkest Deed: Gatecrashing the Mushroom World Tennis Tournament?

Much like his brother(?) Wario, Waluigi's origin is shrouded in mystery... As of now not much is really known about this character other than that he hates Luigi.... A lot! Waluigi's hatred seams to have something do to with Luigi's success in the video game business. He's extremely jealous of his nicer and much friendlier counterpart, and has for some reason waited all these years to claim revenge. Anyway, he seams to be very good at Tennis so maybe he can finally get his revenge by beating Luigi in a tournament... - Text taken from

Waluigi Fan Club
Image Loading... Wario
Appearances: SMB2, Wario Land 1 & 2, Mario Tennis/Golf, Wario Ware, Wario World.
Occupation: Mario's alter ego.
Style: Completely insane.
Special abilities: Hypnotism.
Finest hour: Wario Ware. Without a doubt the craziest game EVER.
Darkest Deed: Trying to turn the world against Mario [see quote.]
Quote:'I am WAAAAArio, I am your master, Mario is your enemy!'

Little is known of Wario, only that he first entered the public eye way back when Super Mario Land 2 was released for the Gameboy. In a memorable advertising campaign (see advert below) he encouraged the viewer to turn against Mario and to try and stop him from 'collecting the 6 Golden coins.' People didn't listen, but in Super Mario Land 3, subtitled Warioland, the player took control of Wario and helped him amass a fortune in order to buy his own castle or...birdhouse.

Several games later, and it's not entirely certain just exactly HOW evil Wario actually extract from the Mario Party manual reads: ' Mario looked around and smiled... All his friends were there: Luigi, Peach, Toad, Yoshi - even Wario and Donkey Kong.' Evil incarnate? Probably not. Wario is little more than a thieving version of Mario.

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Super Mario Bros Show @ Yahooligans
Image Loading... Wart
Appearances: Super Mario Brothers 2 (SM All-Stars, SM Advance)
Occupation: King of Subcon
Henchmen: Birdo, Triclyde, Mouser.
Style: Evil king/monster (He doesn’t really do a lot).
Special abilities: Blowing bubbles.
Finest hour: RRuling Subcon, the land of dreams.
Darkest Deed: Taking over Subcon (Like I said, he doesn’t do much).
Quote:'Wart is the most uncontrollable mischief maker in all the land of dreams.' (From the SM Advance instruction booklet)

A strange, frog-like creature the managed to take over the dream world Subcon (possibly to spread bad dreams and nightmares, since some of his underlings are said to do those kinds of things), and who could be defeated by vegetables for some weird reason. This weakness was shared through his minions, too, so when Mario and his friends decided to save Subcon from him, they had an easy time finding the right attack method. When they found the nasty frog after getting past his army of weird creatures, Wart immediately started spitting bubbles from his mouth at them, but they just hurled vegetables down his throat until he died. And then Mario discovered that it was just a dream.~Firehawk