KissMe.gif Kiss Me! (2001) Based on the cartoon show, Link saves Zelda from an exploding kitchen and wants a kiss. ReturnToHyrule_BrokenLinks.jpg Return to Hyrule & Broken Links (2001) The pricipal characters of a 113-page, two-part radio show I wrote that was never produced. RtH_BL-Leon.jpg Captain Link (2002) The Legendary Hero, seal of Courage on his hand, the Captain of the Guards: Leon. RtH_BL-Rinku.jpg SCA Link (2002) A foreign mercenary with nightmares hired to find some random jewels called the "Triforce." History-Adventure_of_Landsknecht.gif Zelda II: The Adventure of Landsknecht (2002) First of the "History" series. Link in the style of a German Landsknecht circa 1536. History-Legend_of_Viking.gif The Legend of Viking (2002) Second of the "History series. Link in the style of a Viking around the 7th or 8th century. History-Archer_Link.gif Archer Link (2002) Third of the "History" series. Link in the style of a middle ages (probably French) archer. RtH_BL-ThreeSomeDraft.gif Broken Links Draft (2002) Based on my fan-fiction epic, I wanted to have the three main characters in one picture. RtH_BL-ThreesomeFinal.jpg Broken Links (2003) The empty Hero Leon, the conflicted Princess Zelda, and the mindless mercenary Rinku. ExcuseMe.gif Excuse Me (2003) Quickie sketch drawn directly in Photoshop in about three minutes. LamellarLink.gif Lamellar Link (2003) This became my Halloween costume that year. It was fun with a disolve brush in Photoshop. Lamellar_Photo.jpg Lamellar Link Photograph (2003) This is the aforementioned Halloween costume. Each article worn has its own unique history. SBM-LinkGreen.gif (2004) Soul Brothers Mêlée Link Link in the style of the Renaissance period for my fictious game "Soul Brothers Mêlée." SBM-SoulBrothersMelee.jpg Super Soul Brothers Mêlée (2004) The best fighters living in the 16th century from every game company come together. KoRL.gif King of Red Lions (2004) A young King of Hyrule drawn in the style of the ancient Etruscans. Aging.gif Identity of a King (2004) Three variations of one drawing showing the King of Hyrule to be an old Link with a beard! German_Link_with_Italian_Zelda.gif Suspicious Escape (2005) An insignificant peasant from a foreign country attempts to save the Princess. German_Link_Collage.gif German Peasant Link (2005) Link, if he was a 16th century German peasant who stole swords and shields during a revolt. Italian_Zelda.gif Italian Princess Zelda Princess Zelda in the 16th century style. She is intended to look Italian. Final_Ganon.gif Final Ganon (2005) Centuries of corruption renders Ganon a pulsating ball of confusion. Find all the faces!