
Jeremy Greystone (Hespera)

Jeremy was born in Moldera on the 23rd March 4554. His mother's pregnancy was a difficult one, and she died shortly after he was born a month early, leaving him entrusted to the care of the midwife that birthed him, a woman by the name of Mia Greystone. She gave the orphaned infant her last name, and nursed him through many ailments. Because of his poor childhood health, Jeremy was kept shut in as an invalid, and the lonely little boy made up stories to entertain himself. Later, as he grew into early manhood, curiosity about his past compelled him to leave Moldera and arrive in Hyrule, where he met and fell in love with Princess Brianna.

Trained as a healer from an early age by Mia, Jeremy became the next castle healer, a position that his mother had occupied years before. He is asked to attend to the former king of Hyrule, Harkinian, who has fallen mysteriously ill. As he tries to unravel the unknown past of his mother, Jeremy discovers little by little more of her evil secrets. The only possession he has of hers is her book of necromancy, a tool that later incriminates him for sordid goings on and forces him to be beholden to his own wife, who manipulates him into believing that Mara's dark intentions also lay within him. Blinded by love for her, Jeremy refused to see how dangerous she had become, determined that he could bring her back to who she once was. Destiny asks him then to make deep sacrifices, fulfilling a prophecy spoken many years before he was born…

A happy go lucky young man with sandy hair and freckles, Jeremy enjoys drinking, perhaps a little too much. He also likes listening to and telling a good story, and while a joker at heart, underneath he is a serious and very dedicated young man. He is somewhat awkward around women, but is a friend that most people would want, in spite of his confusion about his true past. In spite of his hardships, he tries to always look on the bright side.

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 This page was created by Megan O'Shea © 2004. All rights reserved.