Site News and Updates

Site News

Juliet (c) Wolfhang V.K


First of all I'm very very sorry for not updating this website in over an entire year :( I've had material but just not the motivation to do anything. I don't want to say too much but I have had some serious health issues over the past year including a cancer scare and onging mental health problems. I'm often tired and exhausted and after doing a stressful job all week I just want to try and relax at night and the weekends usually by playing videogames, reading a book or doing some cooking. All the things I used to love like art, writing and web design seem really difficult to me right now as I feel like the only place I'm decent at being creative these days is in the kitchen :( I've also had severe financial issues on top of everything else. But thank so much to all the people who've understood and still supported me through this!

I'm really, really behind in what's going on these days in the world of Zelda, the last game I've had a chance to play was Skyward Sword and I'm not really up on any fan projects either. Hopefully I can try and catch up with everything that's going on in both the games and the community. I was sent some information on a great project over at kickstarter this month which is worth checking out; handcrafted wood advent calendars based on Majora's Mask and created by Matt Fox - for more info check out Feel free to drop me an email to point me in the direction of great fanwork too! I hope you enjoy the small update I've put together and thank you to everyone who's patiently waited for their work to be posted.

See you all at NC Forums and Facebook, and I'll hopefully be able to do more updates soon!

Site Updates ~ As from 06/07/14;

Archived Updates - (December 2004 to present)

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This is an UNOFFICIAL site and is in no way supported by Nintendo . The Legend of Zelda™, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon and other related characters belong to Nintendo . The images and information on these pages are purely for entertainment value only.

 This page was created by Juliet A. Singleton © 1998-2014. All rights reserved.